#22 Things that shouldn’t do while driving in the UK

#22 Things that shouldn’t do while driving in the UK

Are you aware of the things that shouldn’t do while driving in the UK ever before? Cool! The platform is for you, get benefit from here by knowing the real facts that ever thought to consider in driving.

Of course, you have gone to the training classes and driver practice test. Attending the driver theory test finally received the driving license in the UK, but have you ever thought that there are some more things to know practically that won’t include in any of the driving syllabus in the UK?

Yes guys! You heard it right, there are many other things that you shouldn’t of while driving in the UK that against to the DVSA transport department. In total there are 22 things you must aware while driving in the UK.

driving in the UK

Do you aware of the things that shouldn’t while driving?

Well, everyone aware of the rules like using the mobile, drink and drive a rash driving are prohibited while you go behind the wheels in the UK. Alas! There are plenty other commands that you might not heard till now.

Several things form these might be committed while driving quite often, but have you ever thought that you will be charged with fine and even to court appearance sometimes?

Come! See how many things have done by you while driving in the UK!!

  1. Using mobile in an unfixed position at sat nav

You ever studied or told by your friends that using your mobile as sat-nav with an unfixed position onto your window screen or dashboard. But according to the latest rules of DVSA, if you were caught by having your mobile set to the dashboard then you will charge with fine £200, sometimes you would also face the driving in the UK is a ban for rest of the period.

  1. We often use flashing lights to give way

Many of us will slash lights by knowingly or unknowingly during the times of giving away to the other road users (drivers) but you are not supposed to use the lights to give away. The headlamp flashes must use to warn remaining drivers to notice your presence other than this if any other reason catches you, you will find with £30.

  1. Do you Eat or Drink while driving in the UK?

Eating and drinking behind the wheels is not against to the DVSA laws but it should be in limits apart from that if you have been caught by the things like snacking, drinking, applying makeup or changing the CD in your car to the police, they will charge you with £100 fine in addition with 3-9 penalty points.

  1. Ignoring the pedestrian when travelling in rainwater

Guys, you won’t believe it but if you splash at foot walker with rainwater while driving in the UK, you will be fined between £100- £5,000. It derived as an offensive thing to do without any reasons on the other person.

  1. Driving in the middle of the lane

Have you ever thought that driving in the UK only in the middle will end up with slapping you by fine? Surprised to hear right! Yes, if you continuously drive on the middle lane and do not move your position even after overtaking the vehicle, get ready to pay £100 fine.

  1. Will you clean car’s number plate before driving in the UK?

Yes, there are chances of collecting the fine for not maintaining the neat and clear number plate and driving. whenever you drive on the UK roads make sure you have clear and visible number plate so that you will be out of paying the fee otherwise you have to pay £1,000 as fine.

  1. Letting pets to look out through Window

It is a rule from the Highway Code stating that you are not allowed to let out of the car if you are a broken hard shoulder person, if you fail to do so, you will receive a fine penalty to pay.

  1. Do not horn with anger

Beeping horn in anger highly prohibited during driving in the UK; you can horn to give aside but never do it by anger or in over anxiety because you will punish by fining charge of £30.

  1. Sleeping in car when drunk

Alcohol consumption considered as a task against DVSA laws again sleeping inside the car after drunk also considered against laws. If you are caught by the police while sleeping in the car, you have to pay the fine of £30.

  1. Fail in cleaning windscreen before driving in the UK

It is for those who neglect cleaning the car daily not even the windscreen’s, if you do not clean windscreen properly then you will not able to see the road clearly so that hazards happen. The DVSA do not wanted to happen just because lack of punctuality, to avoid laziness in the drivers they collect a fine. Make sure you will have a clean and clear windscreen before you start drive.

  1. Taking drugs before driving in the UK

Apart from normal medicine like light headache, stomach pain, and normal fever, you cannot drive when you have any drugs. If the Police or DVSA catches you will fine with heavy pay.

  1. Smoking

Since October 2015, smoking inside the car has been prohibited. Not only meant for the drivers but passengers too. It is the responsibility of the drivers to look after passengers from smoking in the car.

  1. Driving the vehicle with snow on the roof

There is nothing problem driving with snow but if that snow falls on to the window screen or out from top of the car on road and the rest of the road users might face some hazard situation. Because of that reason it is better to clean your vehicle before start driving.

  1. Left car with the engine running

Stationary idling the vehicle with the running engine is illegal according to the Road Traffic Act 1988, section 42. We often do it right? Idling the vehicle just for two minutes work. We feel why to stop the engine because it won’t take much time, but according to the rules under any circumstances, you must shout down the car.

  1. Throwing through the vehicle window

Many of us will through the Starbucks cover or bag out through the running car window after we finish drinking. Alas! You are allowed to do that either.

  1. Leaving a child alone in the car

According to DVSA no one allowed to leave infants in cars near local areas at times of purchasing. Ever leave your child alone in the car, it is fine if they sleeping but you must carry them. Suppose if you fail then get ready to pay the fine that DVSA throws at you.

  1. Parking during nights

If you are a frequent night driver or you plan to travel mostly at night? You must know this unless it is an accessible place to park a vehicle during the night. Otherwise, you shouldn’t park mainly on facing against the flow of traffic.

  1. Placing baby seats in a car with an Airbag

You are not permitted to place babies to sit along with the airbag? Because a rear-facing baby seating should not use with an activated airbag.

  1. Incorrect use of lanes

You must stay on the left side unless during overtaking the before the vehicle or turning to the right-side direction. If you caught by the DVSA team, you need to pay the penalty given by DVSA.

  1. Parking close to junctions

Do you hear from any DVSA syllabus that you shouldn’t park your cars or vehicles within 10 meters to junctions? The vehicles should park only in the authorized parking slots only

  1. Not mentioning DVSA your address change

Whenever you change residential address, inform to the DVSA to update in the driving license, otherwise, fine charged for changing address without any intimation. If you caught by DVSA with the different address than given for driving license you will charge with the penalty.

22.Not informing DVLA about medical conditions

Yes, it is illegal if you haven’t informed the DVSA (Driving Vehicle Standard Agency) regarding medical conditions like strokes, neurological, mental health, physical and visual disabilities. You will punish by cancelling your driving in the UK  So, during the DVSA application procedure make sure you mention health conditions with document proves. Hence, you are allowed for driving in the UK.